CAIM is the leading Czech organisation

bringing together interim managers, intermediaries and those interested in interim management in the Czech Republic since 2010.


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CAIM is the leading Czech organisation

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About us

About us
About us
About us
About us

Our mission?

We develop information, awareness and know-how.

Our mission is to develop awareness, knowledge and know-how about interim management and to build a strong background for the growth of quality Czech interim managers.

Our members help companies to manage change and important projects, resolve crisis situations, rescue their operations, cope with shortages or shortages of professional capacity or changes in the market situation.



Interim management as a tool

Interim management is the temporary provision of management capacity.

A common feature of interim management is the deployment of an external experienced professional in situations where the company does not have sufficient skills and capacity in its internal resources, or it is not appropriate or possible to look for a permanent candidate for a given position. Interim management can be divided into change, project or replacement management.

Interim management is an elegant solution that is becoming more and more popular and used.



Why be a CAIM member?

Increase your chances of success in the interim management market.

Members of the association meet professional colleagues, potential clients, interim management intermediaries and other interesting people from the business community. The association helps to increase the visibility of managers in the interim management market. It is a primary source of information for those who wish to use the services of an interim manager.

Become our member and increase your chances of success in the interim management market.





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IM Certification