As a member of the Czech Association of Interim Management, I undertake to abide by all the rules of this professional association, in particular the Statutes and this Code of Ethics. Should I violate any of these provisions or rules, I am aware of the consequences of my actions, which may result in termination of my membership in CAIM.
I consider a professional approach to my work to be an essential attribute of a CAIM member. Therefore, I maintain my skills at the highest possible level. I am constantly working on my continuing professional education and development. In no way will I misrepresent important facts about my past activities, education or membership in professional or similar organizations. I can substantiate the results I have achieved during my career with relevant references.
I'm relatively financially secure. My financial background gives me the freedom necessary to ensure that I do not disobey agreed goals, agreed rules and ethics of conduct.
I am aware of the responsibility I take on in my profession. I consider it a matter of personal honor to fulfill my obligations on time, to deliver work of the required quality and not to let my clients, colleagues or partners down. I abide by the agreements I have voluntarily entered into, in whatever form they may take. I will maintain the dignity of my profession and appropriate modesty. I will never misuse confidential information I obtain in the course of my work at CAIM. I will actively oppose corruption in all its forms and unfair practices.
I respect the moral principles and principles common in the Czech or European environment and the related rules of decent behaviour. I will not disobey the rules of business ethics both towards business partners and towards employees, colleagues or other groups, even if anyone directly or indirectly urges me to do so. I will act in accordance with laws and regulations in my activities. I will avoid situations in which I may have a conflict of interest; I will immediately report any potential conflict of interest to the Association's management. I will create an atmosphere of trust and fairness in my business dealings.
I respect freedom of speech and critical thinking, and I respect the rules of constructive discussion. I communicate openly with my clients, with my teammates, with my business partners, with my colleagues. I am patient in conveying and explaining necessary information or receiving feedback. In the event that I do not have sufficient feedback, I do not hesitate to request it in an appropriate manner. I do not resort to hasty or inappropriate responses in contentious situations. By communicating appropriately, I help to build collegial relationships within CAIM and with the public. I will report truthfully and completely on all aspects related to my activities, and will act with the utmost objectivity and credibility.
I honor the principles of collegiality within CAIM. I do not use unfair practices in competition with other colleagues. If I have any doubts about the professional competence or manner of conduct of other CAIM members, I will address these facts within the association.
I defend CAIM's mission as enshrined in its Bylaws. I do not place my private interests above this mission in my activities within CAIM. I honor CAIM and will not do anything by my actions that could damage CAIM's reputation. It is understood that I represent CAIM by my appearance, conduct and actions externally. I do not use the CAIM platform to advance the interests of political parties and movements or organizations with a political agenda. I do not misuse CAIM's assets for my private or business purposes.
I hold in the highest esteem the traditional and cultural values of my own country and the countries in which I will carry out my work.
Approved by CAIM Membership Meeting 22.11.2018